Art Investment

«Old master» to Christie's

January 28 in New York held an auction Christie's, on the works of old masters

January 28 in New York held an auction Christie's, which will be presented over 200 works of old masters.

The most interesting works that are exhibited for sale, should be emphasized five watercolors Mellorda Joseph William Turner (Joseph Mallord William Turner) - one of the most popular English landscape, whose work many consider the forerunner of Impressionism. These graphic works came up for auction from the collection of Chicago collectors of William and Eleanor Wood Prince (William and Eleanor Wood Prince). But watercolors illustrate the different stages of the creative ways the artist from an early landscape lake edges (Lake District) and finishing late masterfully executed forms Swiss Alps. The most expensive of these works, which is stored in the collection of spousal Wood-Prince, more than 50 years - is «View to pass Brunig of Meyringena, Switzerland», estimated at 1,5-2,5 million dollars.

The list of the top auction lot also includes «Still life with copper pot, jug, fish glass, two nuts and onions» brush Jean Simeon Chardin (Jean Siméon Chardin), which is estimeyt 1,2-1, 8 million dollars. This is one of the early works depicting everyday household items that later became characteristic of his later still-life kitchen.

Among the works presented at auction, and there is a very interesting canvas, Anne-Louis de Giraudoux Rus-Triozona (Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson) «Portrait of Jacques-Joseph Catelin» with estimeytom in 0,8-1 2 million dollars. Catelin Jacques (1759-1793), headed a rebellion in Vanden during the French Revolution, became the sole general peasant origin, which King Louis XVIII ordered to capture on canvas. In order to write a portrait of the ego, Giraudoux Catelin asked his son, Jacques-Joseph, sit him for the Etude. Completed portrait senior Catelin full growth is now in the municipal museum in the department of Vendée CHOLET. And this little essay with the image of his son's upcoming bid to cherish from the descendants of the famous French military hero.

at the top of the list of top lots upcoming auction is a series of 12 canvases by Francisco de Surbarana (Francisco de Zurbarán) showing 12 Sivilla, which is estimated at 2-3 million dollars. The series was created the famous Spanish painter and his studio artists presumably around 1650. During this period, because of the difficult economic situation in Spain, and broke out in 1649 the epidemic plague of orders received from local customers, declined, and decided to Surbaran colonial market. Together with assistants, he has created for the buyers from America several series devoted to the saints and martyrs, the Roman Emperors, and biblical characters. These and consider bids submitted for this cycle «Twelve Sivilla».

Auction, which will be presented to the work of old masters, is also soon to be held and at Sotheby's. At auction in New York, which will be held on 29 and 30 January , can be acquire works of Frans Hals, Francisco Goya, Titian and many others. The most expensive lot was a large canvas by William Turner «The Temple of Jupiter Panellinskogo», estimated at 12-16 million dollars.

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