Art Investment

A free live webinar "the Art and taxation: the intersection of two worlds"

22 Jul AI invites you to another free educational interactive webinar, organized in support of the artistic community

22 July 2020, from 20:00 to 22:00 Moscow time will be held the next webinar, "the Art and taxation: the intersection of two worlds."

the Main taxes paid by a domestic collector in Russia in the buying and selling of works of art in the country and abroad. Taxation of works of art and other collectibles: the common and the differences. Taxes when inheriting works of art and the deceased can help the heir.

online we offer you to discuss these issues with the head ARTinvestment.RU Egor Molchanov and guest chef-редактором portal Denis Belkevich.

Guests of the webinar: Svetlana Meyer, Galina Marchenko, Zulfiya Inamova and Elina Burykina, the tax and law Department, "Deloitte", CIS

Participation is free, webinars with meeting-связи Zoom.

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