Art Investment

Autumn Frieze London and Frieze Masters will take place online-режиме

Organizers hoped to the last to the possibility of physical holding of the fair in London this autumn

14 July it became known that two largest art-ярмарки, Frieze London and Frieze Masters, which was held in London's Regents-парке from 8 to 11 October 2020, will be postponed to 2021. Cancellation of events 2020 year the fair reported partners and galleries-участницам in the official email.

one of the main impediments of the organization and conduct of the fair this year, organizers called logistical problems and limitations on the holding of mass events. The letter notes that there is no guarantee that by October, borders will be opened, and that even if the flights are allowed, it is not known whether visitors from other European countries or the United States to attend the fair without a prior two-week quarantine.

"We can't ask you to take part in the event, the conditions for which are unknown. So we had no other option but to cancel" — wrote in an email to Victoria Siddel, General Director of art-ярмарки Frieze. The representative of the Frieze explained that the selection Committee 2021 will be "favorably" to the galleries, part of which has already been approved in the year 2020, however, to participate in the fair next year, all potential exhibitors will need to re-submit a new application. Luckily for the organizers and participants of Frieze London 2020, the cancellation of the event, they should not have large financial losses: a guide Frieze took the decision to cancel the fair before was paid for rent Regents-парка and incurred other big expenses, and payment term stands parties have not yet approached.

it is not clear, whether will entail cancellation of Frieze London 2020 the abolition of the fairs-саттелитов — for example, the fair of contemporary African art 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair, held annually in Somerset-Хаусе around the same date as Frieze. However, it is clear that now the management of the fair will focus on the second edition Frieze''s online viewing rooms — online-ярмарки, which was first conducted in may this year after cancel Frieze New York.


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