Art Investment

The auctioneer evening auction of contemporary art Phillips earned $41 million, and white gloves

Participants from 50 countries left in the directory a single unsold lot

In total for July 2, 2020, the auction house earned more than $51 million on the day and evening auctions of contemporary art and art of the XX century, 20th Century and Contemporary Art Sale. And if the directory day of the auction, which brought a total of more than $10.2 million, were sold at 84 %, the evening auction showed 100%-ную the performance and brought more than $41 million Auction took place in the online form in real time: the auctioneer led the auction online and bidders from different countries had the opportunity to bet online or over the phone. According to the auction house, to participate in the auction registered a record number of participants from 50 countries.

In the course of trading on 2 July was set eight personal records for individual artists: three — for the participants of the evening session and five — for works sold at the afternoon auction. Top-лотом 20th Century and Contemporary Art Evening Sale became abstract composition Noel (1961-1962) work by Joan Mitchell sold for $11 million, while the estimate of $9.5–12.5 million In the three best results also includes works by Gerhard Richter Abstraktes Bild (801-3) (estimate: $2-3 million; the result: $3.68 million) and Jean-Мишеля Basquiat Victor 25448 (estimate: $8-12 million; the result: a $9.25 million).

Commenting on this result, Jean-Поль Engelen and Robert Manley from-руководители of the Department of contemporary art and art of the XX century, said: "Never before we didn't have to do business with such a degree of uncertainty in the last few months, so we focused on a selection of works from authors whose market is the most sustainable in the current environment, which led to a one hundred percent result. Our auction has demonstrated that the key names in the art of XX and XXI century, today-прежнему remain popular among collectors. We also used the advantages of our strategy, virtual sales Digital First, which helped us to adapt quickly and achieve success. These trades also prove the strength of our relationships with collectors, many works appeared in them only due to the depth of these relationships and the credibility of professionals Phillips, which they show in this unprecedented time".


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