Paintings from the corporate collection of Belgazprombank arrested in the Palace of art in Minsk
Among those arrested works — the works of Chaim Soutine, Marc Chagall and other authors. The total cost of works estimated at $20 million
last Sunday was it is known that the representatives of the Belarusian authorities seized more than 150 works of art from the corporate collection of Belgazprombank, suspected tax evasion and money laundering obtained by criminal means. Among the seized works — of the work of Chaim Soutine, Marc Chagall, Ossip Zadkine and other masters of the school of Paris born or what-то time lived on the territory of modern Belarus.
According to state media, paintings worth $20 million has been arrested in connection with the fact that "they were prepared for urgent export from the country. However the true value of these assets could be much higher. One can only imagine how much they could be sold at auction". At the moment, according to, published culture Minister of Belarus Yury Cooper, works are in special storage: "storage of works of art in the Republic of Belarus adhered to by all actors the activity." On the question of whether the Ministry of culture, the seat of the paintings, the Minister replied in the affirmative, but to call it refused. The fate of the paintings remains unknown.
"Art-Беларусь" — art-проект Belgazprombank, in the halls which exhibited work, — decided to open to visitors, placing on the walls, on which were hanging the artwork, QR-коды with detailed information about them. By the way, in a similar way, only with the use of augmented reality, at the time, organized "the exhibition of stolen works of" Isabella Stewart Gardner in Boston.
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