Art Investment

Sotheby's will hold an auction in a new format, combining elements of the exhibition, art-ярмарки and auction

Auction house will hold online-торги old masters, lots of which will be provided by well-known dealers

recently it is known that Christie's, in conjunction with La Biennale Paris will hold a special auction in online-формате, designed to replace the gallery owner cancelled from-за pandemic art-ярмарку. Sotheby's decided to go even further and collect on the basis of their online-торгов virtually independent art-ярмарку old masters. More precisely, even two art-ярмарки.

How reported in a press-релизе auction house, Sotheby's from 18 to 25 June 2020 will hold two specialized online-аукциона under the title The Dealer's Eye ("the eyes of a dealer") in London and new York. The lots for these trades selected 39 known dealers specializing in the art of old masters and artists of the XIX century, and each of the dealers has offered three works. In the end, the 66 lots 22 dealers will be sold at The Dealer's Eye, London and 51 lot of 17 specialists — on The Dealer's Eye, New York.

Among the top-лотов future of trading – the works of Thomas Gainsborough and Anthony van Dyck, Jacopo Bassano and Elizabeth Vigee-Лебрен. The highest estimate (£200 thousand — £300 million) is set to the Florentine landscape of the eighteenth century of a brush of the English artist Thomas patch. The average total estimate of the two catalogs is about $7 million (us$2.3–3.3 million — auction in new-Йорке and a $3.4–5 million — in London), and it is expected to be surpassed.

Otto Naumann, Director of client development of the Department of Old masters Sotheby's, commented on the event: "we created our own version of the art-ярмарки where dealers can continue to advance work that make their own unique gallery. I am pleased to support our colleagues in the gallery business with these online-торгов, as well as to offer our clients the opportunity to purchase works specially chosen by the most famous international experts of the galleries of the old masters".

Catalogue of The Dealer's Eye began to form only in April of this year, using the speed advantages of online-формата. And given the experimental nature of the auction, Sotheby's decided to abandon the Commission of the seller for participation in the auction and be limited to the standard buyer's Commission.

the Material was prepared by Maria Kuznetsova AI


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