Art Investment

The state Tretyakov gallery and other Moscow museums will open to visitors next week

According to yesterday's decree of the mayor of Moscow "About the stages of the removal of restrictions...", to prepare for the opening of the museums have during the week from 9 to 16 June

According to the decree of the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin "stages of lifting of restrictions imposed in connection with the introduction of high alert mode", published yesterday, 8 June 2020, on June 16, residents and guests will have the opportunity to visit museums for pre-purchased online-билетам and with a limited number of people in the Museum.

the State Tretyakov gallery is one of the first expressed a willingness to open their halls to the public: "We are preparing for a possible opening for visitors from 16th of June, but is waiting for recommendations from the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation", — said the representative of the Tretyakov gallery. The first exhibition, available after the opening of the Tretyakov gallery, will be extended exposition of "Russian fairy tale: from Vasnetsov still", and since July 10, the gallery hopes to open the exhibit "Nenasala", dedicated to the era of stagnation.

His discovery on 16 June confirmed the Museum of modern art "Garage". The opening will take place in stages: June 10, visitors will earn bookstore "Garage", and June 16 to open the Museum and the terrace café.

the Museum's birthday, June 12, on Arts square, opposite the Museum in the Park. Gorky, will open the draft of the Kazakh artist Erbossyn Meldibekov "Transformer".

the Museum of Russian impressionism identified the date of its opening July 1, 2020: "To public places, including museums, imposed strict sanitary requirements. We care about the health of Museum visitors and our small Museum team, so use this time to ensure the safest possible conditions. From July 1, will open the exposition and extended until the end of August the exhibition of Yury Annenkov. Further restrictive measures will depend on the recommendations of the government", — results the words of the General Director of the Museum Julia Petrova, the Agency TASS.

the Pushkin Museum Pushkin has confirmed previously announced plans to open no earlier than July 10, 2020. "We are now entering a new phase — technical preparations for the opening of the Museum and to meet with visitors. The number of people in the Museum staff will expand. For months we have been actively discussing all the nuances of working in new conditions, think through the necessary security measures. We are responsible to our employees and the public and will try to do everything to a visit to the Museum was safe. I hope that, on 10 July, visitors will be able to return to the Museum", — said in a press-службе Museum.

After the opening, visitors will enjoy the exhibition "Tattoo" and "From dürer to Matisse. Selected drawings from the collection of the Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkin", prolonged until the end of September.

While the rest of the art-институции still think their plans to return to active work with the audience outside the online-пространства, it can be assumed that around the middle of July, we will be able to fully enjoy the usual variety of cultural life of the capital.


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