The museums of Europe open after quarantine
Visitors will be able to reunite with your favorite masterpieces, observing the variety of security conditions
In connection with the widespread removal or weakening of quarantine measures in Europe the main museums of the continent gradually opened its doors to the public and return to active life after a two month break. In the coming days everyone will again have the opportunity to see many exhibitions-блокбастеры this year: from Raphael in Rome to Goya in Basel.
As the representative of the tourism Council of Vienna, "Yearning for the large art — but today slowly but surely the first museums once again open their doors". "Museums of Vienna Wake up", — he added, commenting on the opening of the Albertina and the Kunsthistorisches-исторического Museum of Austria.
According to Vienna's Leopold Museum for a smooth visit the exhibition you need to follow four simple rules: protect the respiratory tract wearing masks, to keep a distance, not to gather in groups and follow the rules during a sneeze. The same thing, with slight variations, is also true for most other museums.
Commenting on the opening of museums in the Netherlands, including the house-музея Rembrandt and the van Gogh Museum, Director of the State art Museum of Amsterdam, the Taco Dibbits said: "Each case is different, and not only in the Netherlands, and we all have to find your own way to ensure the safety of visitors. I think almost all museums will insist that visitors bought tickets in advance and online and adhere to time frames specified on the ticket."
an Interesting way to breed human flows found in the museums of Spain: for the first time after the opening of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao will only work with two hours of the day, a "morning shift" will work city art Museum. Increased safety rules are adhered to in also opening this week the Sistine chapel in Rome, where visitors, in addition to the above measures will also need to pass the test of the imager.
For the lucky ones having the opportunity to travel to Europe in the near future, Forbes was a kind of reminder with a list of 10 major exhibitions, which opened after the quarantine. However, despite the abundance unfolding in front of art enthusiasts prospects, you need to remember that while we are entering a transition period after quarantine. In this regard, some art-институции even chose to wait with the discovery. The Louvre, for example, announced that it will open not earlier than 6 July 2020.
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