Art Investment

The experience of the first art-ярмарки in China "era petkovica"

From 22 to 31 may 2020 was held in Beijing fair Beijing Gallery Weekend — the first large-scale art event held in China since the beginning of the pandemic

Art-ярмарка, during the 9 days held in the capital of China, highlighted some of the organizational features of such events that are likely to accompany many international events in the near future. First of all it concerns, of course, the lack of participants from-за border and foreign public on the day VIP-открытия the event, the organizers of the fair were missing about half their traditional customers.

if you want clients to access more galleries (physically in the fair were able to participate in only two dozen exhibitors), were created online-приложение in which it was possible not only to obtain information about the targets of interest, but also to buy them: prices of many of the works were listed in the public domain. In the end, a situation when many collectors physical visit to the fair turned out to be unjustified (unless you count personal experience of work and meeting with authors, gallery owners and colleagues-коллекционерами. — AI.) a waste of time.

in addition, from-за distribution online-формата victims felt the authors of the works, converting them to digital media is either not possible or strongly influences the work produced by an impression (e.g., different kinds of spatial installations). For this reason, some previously included in the program of Gallery Weekend Beijing participants eventually refused to participate.

Thus, in the market there is a new kind of filter, screening literally works of art, which cannot adequately represent online-пространстве. No increased sales, no confidence in their art-консультантам or reputation of the site where the purchase is made, are not able to solve the issue.

In this situation, it's time to wonder: is the transition to online has already begun to irrevocably change the market?


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