Art Investment

Artnet: first results of the work of art-рынка in a pandemic

The main online-площадками this spring steel Art Basel Hong Kong, Dallas Art Fair and "Platform" David Zwirner

Together with the world of art-рынок went online, becoming of the plurality of independent overlapping niches in a global network in which some online-площадки serve as a meeting place of tens, and hundreds of galleries.

About the success of several "nodes" — art-ярмарок in Hong Kong and Dallas and of the project "Platform: new-Йорк" gallery David Zwirner — argues Artnet.

"Platform: new-Йорк" David Zwirner opened its virtual doors in 3rd of April to the middle of the month has got an extension in the form "Platform: London" representing 12 English writers and galleries and open until 15 may 2020. According to the participants of the project, the results of their collaboration with the gallery Zwirner has surpassed all expectations: the gallery has received many new customers from all over the world, allowing them to rely on the holding of large (up to six-figure) deals. But it's — for the future. While it is known sales results in 12 galleries — participating in the new-йоркского of the project range from $5,5 thousand to $40 thousand

the Results of art-ярмарки Dallas, which ended on April 23, although not the imagination of the General sales figures are also considered very positively. The more that the absolute number exhibited on the sale of items belonged to the segment of affordable art and cost no more than $25 thousand participants highly appreciated the digital infrastructure of the fair — for example, the possibility of conducting a virtual tour along the bench each gallery and create a virtual space of the exhibition with the presence effect. One of the owners of the galleries — participating in the fair Susan Inglett says of the experience: "virtual experience will never replace real life experience — is not as fun, there is no personal connections and no BBQ, but we met some new people..." These introductions have apparently led to the fact that she found buyers for works Robin On@aronil and hope Gangloff from the gallery. Even after the fair it became known that the gallery Susan Inglett, inspired by the possibilities online-продаж, are now trying to device their own virtual office. Although the results of sales in the Dallas Art Fair and has not exceeded $100 thousand, it is clear that this online-событие laid a good Foundation for the physical return of the fair, scheduled for October this year.

But Art Basel Hong Kong Online 2020, apparently, has brought significant positive results in only the largest galleries, multi-million sales of which took place largely due to the preliminary agreements, reached before the announcement of the quarantine. Price rating fair headed work, "don Quixote" is rapidly gaining popularity of the artist Marlene Dumas, sold by the gallery Zwirner for $2.6 million, and 10 works were sold above $500 thousand But did fair, at least partially to justify hopes pinned on it by many galleries-середнячков, — the big question. Dealer Dominique levy, CNN Money analyzing the results of the fair, noted thatArt Basel — is "an interesting experiment that didn't work... and if there are no-то other forms of conduct, which I don't know, I don't think that Art Basel Online is the future".

it is Clear that for the most part all these projects — attempt at writing and finding the perfect format for non-personal interaction. Not everything works the first time, and if the quarantine will last a few months, at the end of it we have a chance to get brand new and working version of virtual platforms for the sale of art, not only familiar, but also the interests and collector and gallerist.


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