Art Investment

Died artist Mel Ramos

Important member of the first wave of American pop-арта, a colleague of Warhol and Lichtenstein, has died at the age of 83

Californian Mel Ramos was among the 12 artists whose work was shown at the famous exhibition at the County Museum of Los-Анджелеса in 1963 — one of the first exposures, dedicated to the new movement pop-арт in the United States. Mel Ramos in his work he focused not only on the image of the products of the masses-маркета like chocolate bars, packs of Lucky Strike cigarettes and bottles of coke-колой, but added to them a figure of sexual beauties in the style of pin-up and superheroines from comic books. And since the majority of beauty was naked, and its dimensions were comparable to the same food in bright wrappers, Ramos mercilessly criticized feminists and not only for allegedly trying to promote a consumer's attitude to women. But its style, the artist remained faithful to the end and was definitely a part of the history of American pop-арта.

the price of the work of Mel Ramos is far from the price of the work of his colleagues in the movement — Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein. The most expensive work of Mel Ramos today — "A. C. Annie," sold at auction in 2012 for $1.69 million And that, in fact, until only his work over the price level of 1 million dollars. The reason for this may be in General a small number of works by Ramos. While Warhol hundreds print your silkscreen in the "Factory", Mel Ramos carefully wrote out each canvas myself and even in the most successful years (e.g., 1965) created no more than 18-20 work. So that oversupply on the art-рынке no.


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