Art Investment

The Ministry of culture wants to make "bezviz" for foreign cultural tourists

The Ministry supports the idea of simplified regime of entry for foreign tourists who want to watch Russian museums. For them is supposed to make the analogue of the Fan ID on which we had guests of the world Championship on football of 2018

In fact, time lost fans, that will cope with cultural audience. Practice Fan ID was though not flawless, but quite successful. Yes, there were abuses, some the"fans" had to catch on the Finnish border (refugees with passports fan after we wanted to enter illegally to Europe). But in General, the use of facilitation and forced openness was more than harm.

Therefore now tightly think about Museum Multi-Pass. RBC writes that "Museum passport" is developing state Museum-выставочный center "ROSIZO". "Passport of the Museum visitor", in idea, be a substitute for the Russian visa, to serve as a map for public transport and ticket to become a leading Russian museums including the Tretyakov gallery and Pushkin. At the level of technology shouldn't be a problem: will be used the successful experience of the Ministry of communications, which made the Fan ID for the Championship. The last step — permission from the foreign Ministry. After all, the key value "Museum passport" — a function of e-visa.

On the launch date Multi Museum-Pass while one can only guess at. But the example of foreign fans, we've seen that if the political decision is done quickly.


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