Art Investment

Name of Museum masterpiece changed for reasons of political correctness

Meter-long canvas "Indian Church" of the artist Emily Carr was written in 1929. This is a very well-known in Canada, the thing is stored at the Art gallery of Ontario in Toronto. But now the picture is supposed to call-другому

it would Seem, what is there to complain about? Only two options: either the Indians or the Church. It turned out, all-таки guilty mentioning of the Indians. Picture "native American Church" decided to rename the "Church in the village of Ukot" (Church at Yuquot Village). The Museum Department is also renamed. Now it is not the Department of Canadian art and the Department of art of Canada and indigenous peoples. We have the word "Indian" — heroic symbol of resistance to the invaders. But in America the word "Indian" is turns out to be negative and even condescending-уничижительное value. 90 years ago when the picture was painted, it was-другому. Emilia Carr definitely didn't want to insult anyone. She wrote this thing from memory, under the impression of the real Christian Church, which was built by missionaries in Indian territory. She was on fire, then was restored and operates today as a cultural center. Cemetery crosses around it was not. As ominous of the coming of the forest. It's already the artistic structure of Emilia Carr. Near renamed the picture hung a sign explaining the road that led to the renaming. But this is only the beginning. After the masterpiece Carr will be renamed and other work with "Indian" names.

This is not the first the case of the renaming of paintings in museums. But this is another harbinger of the inevitable. Changing names in literature and art for reasons of political correctness have become a worldwide trend.


What else to read on the topic on AI:
the Copenhagen Museum changes the captions to the pictures in the politically correct.

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