Art Investment

Elena Basner has sued the state 2 200 000 rubles compensation

The expert on Russian avant-garde, which was tried for fraud and acquitted, to recover from the state compensation for lost profits is 2.2 million rubles. The decision was made by St-Петербургский city court

Case Basner was so loud that it will recall only the main points. Collector Andrey Vasilyev bought a sheet of Boris Grigoriev, "restaurant", the authenticity of which confirmed the expert of the auction house Bukowskis Elena Basner. Some time later, come to find out that he sold falshak — copy from work, safely hidden in the vaults of the Russian Museum, where she could see only art historians and other specialists, so the deception would never be revealed. The damage amounted to $250 000. In 2014, Elena Basner was arrested, kept in jail, then placed under house arrest. The investigation concluded that Basner had deliberately given a false assessment of the authenticity of the painting Grigorieva "restaurant", and participated in its sale. But may 17, 2016, the Dzerzhinsky district court of St.-Петербурга the court found Elena Basner not guilty of fraud (article 159 of the Russian criminal code, part 4). It was deemed unintentional and was released. And today RBC became known that lost in the course of the investigation the work of Elena Basner, the court awarded compensation from the state in the amount of 2 200 000 rubles.

In turn, the victim of the fraudulent actions of Andrey Vasilyev could not for the court to recover their money. 20 Jun 2017 district court in St. Petersburg refused him the satisfaction of a civil claim to Basner 16 000 000 rubles (the same $250 000 on a new course).


What else to read on the topic on AI:
Basner acquitted;
the AI: Elena Basner — arrest of a respected expert! Your opinion?
the Court dismissed Vasilyev to the critic Basner 16 000 000.

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