Art Investment

The sweetest Museum personnel: the Riley dog guard art

The Boston Museum of fine arts took the staff a hunting dog breed Weimaraner named Riley, whose task includes the inspection of works of art on the subject of their infestation by moths and other harmful insects

Puppy Riley is only 12 weeks, but he was starting to feel the mole a mile away. On this train this dog with an outstanding sense of smell. To smell the infestation where it is not visible to the naked eye, — this is the task of the new Museum employee.

In the Museum of fine arts Boston with an increased attention to the possible proliferation of harmful insects: studying possible ways of their penetration into the building, their food supply, temperature regime in which they can reproduce. So far the main possible source of infection — using new arrivals. Therefore, each new storage unit is undergoing a period of quarantine before you can get to the funds. Here should come to the aid of Riley.

Dogs have long trained on search of explosives, but to train a dog to smell moth and other insects — is that-то new. According to the staff of the Boston Museum, they are the first in the world invented it. Breed Weimaraner (Weimar pointer) was not chosen by chance. These dogs have long been used for hunting and investigative work, they differ in endurance, quickness, sagacity and, most importantly — excellent sense of smell. If the experience is successful, colleagues Riley, quite possibly, will appear in other museums, libraries and other institutions, where there is a risk of insect pests.

the only minus is that Riley's work will be mostly behind closed doors and unlikely to provide chat to visitors of the Museum (which they might want, given the loveliness of the dog). But we hope that Riley, as in other animals-звезд will soon be your Instagram. For example, as the beloved Hermitage cats.

the Material was prepared by Maria Onuchina, AI


see also:
opened In London the first exhibition in the world for dogs.

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