Art Investment

Naked Director of the State gallery on Solyanka arrested in the United States

Even the head of the institution, but first and foremost an artist, Fyodor Pavlov-Андреевич showed the Americans their "Foundling" — famous performances, which he performs in a transparent tetrahedron

Cool, but not out of the ordinary. The event, which made the capacity of Director, —, it was new-йоркский the ball costume Institute Met Gala. And he is famous for just the fact that the guests come in crazy avant-garde dresses. That is, in fact there almost half of the guests were half-naked, but Russian artist and Director of the State gallery on Solyanka only brought this attitude to its logical end.

"foundling" — brand performance Fyodor Pavlov-Андреевича, which is 1 may 2017, he showed the fifth time. Technically, the artist collapses inside a glass tetrahedron, where he can't get out — tighten it from the outside. After that, the helpers bring him to the pathos of the crowd and leave like that. Further frightened the organizers will do themselves: the police @fire mdas — dancing around intractable design — arrest — press — court — happy release — again press.

On the Met Gala still went according to plan. After the first confusion, the guards covered "Foundling" white tablecloth and dragged outside. And there it joined the emergency services, for which Fedorov Pavlov-Андреевичу will probably prescribe a penalty.

whatever... fine. Let them know that they are able to make Russian the Museum's Director for art's sake!

the word, State gallery on Solyanka under the leadership of Pavlov-Андреевича was a fairly progressive place. Recently there was a success with the exhibition of works by Yuri Norstein, is logically complemented by works of contemporary artists. Right now there is exhibit "Direct effect", addressed the blind visitors. There is a school of performance, are daring lectures about the problems of the art. And in General, many of the activities are limited to 16 or 18 .


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