Art Investment

For Russia in Christie's answer to Dirk Boll

The main competitor, Sotheby's new leadership. After the appointment of Guillaume Cerutti as Director General of Christie's President of the Department of EMERI countries (to include Russia) took Dirk Boll

a Private company, Christie's what-то is superior on almost all fronts acutely competes with the joint-stock company Sotheby's. But in the segment of Russian art, according to the catalog of the Russian trades, it has long been inferior to its main rival. However, the change in leadership is related, of course, not with this. Russian art —, it can be said, crumbs in circulation for Christie's to Sotheby's. However, any strong movement in management can change the view of the situation.

Yesterday, the house Christie's issued a press-релиз, that the President of the office dealing with business in Europe, Middle East, Russia and India (EMERI), takes Dirk Boll (Dirk Boll).

we know of him?

was Born in Kassel. Studied law and art-менеджмент at the universities of göttingen and Freiburg. Began working in the London office of Christie's in 1998. Worked in senior positions in Stuttgart and Zurich offices of the auction house. Since 2011 he held the post of managing Director of the European Department at Christie's in London. He then obeyed an office in Russia. That is, problems of the market of Russian art for him is nothing new.

Boll — Professor, teaches art-менеджмент at the University of Hamburg. The author of two books: "Art for sale — honest look at the art-рынок and Auctioneer, are creating the history of art". Is a Board member of the organization of the "Swiss friends of the Israel Museum".

Source: press-релиз Christie's

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