Art Investment

To report the loss of cultural values is now possible via "public Services"

At the state portal in the service categories appeared under the heading "registration of the facts of loss, loss, plunder of cultural values" to be sent to the Ministry of culture. AI checked out — Yes, the form works

to Get the appropriate form of registered users "of public Services" can reference or by typing in the search bar: check the facts of loss, loss, plunder of cultural values.

to Deny human service provision, the Ministry may, on several grounds, among which there are two important

1. If the individual does not own cultural values on the property right or other proprietary right.

2. If the Applicant has not addressed law enforcement bodies with the statement for disappearance, loss, theft of cultural property.

That is to strive for the neighbor, which is what-то stolen, will not work. And the first thing you need to run not on the website, and the police.

There is another important point. Technically, to report the loss of their value to the Ministry of culture, you need to fill in a simple form. It is necessary to copy the detailed description of the cultural values, distinctive features, a description of the condition and attach a photo. It would seem, nothing complicated. But many collectors, as it is banal sounds, at the right time and receive no description, no decent photos of their works — and why? And it often. And museums that happens. In General, running public services — is a good reason to attend to cataloguing their collections at least in some-то. And a reminder to electronically store photos, descriptions and certificates of works bought at auction. There is nothing easier.

Well, let's say (ugh-тьфу, not to jinx it) the police wrote the statement, the portal is written and what further will do the Ministry? The Ministry promises two things:

1. To register the fact of loss, loss, plunder of cultural values of;

2. To organize and provide notification of the state bodies and the public in the Russian Federation and abroad about the facts of loss, loss, plunder of cultural values.

In General, should not expect miracles. But more and people at least some-то relief. Moreover, such information will not get lost in the pile of papers.


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