Art Investment

Institute of Art Business and Antiques invites the audience to the graduation

9 November 2016 at 17 o'clock will take place the defense of diploma works of graduates of the Institute of Art Business and Antiques in the areas of "Art history. Attribution and expertise of Antiques" and "Management and marketing in contemporary art".

Entrance for guests wishing to listen to protection, free. But you must pre-register by phone 7 495 613 22 76 or

To protect issued the following works:

1. "Attribution and systematization of numismatic monuments of the second half of the XIV century on the example of coins with tamghas "Kolomna" type". Author: Amos M. A. Scientific supervisor: V. V. Zaitsev

2. "Dirk as part of his uniform in the various navies of the world. Two centuries: the development, heyday and extinction (for example, studies of the marine daggers countries XIX — XX centuries)". Author: E. N. Burmistrov. Scientific supervisor: E. V. Tikhomirov

3. "The exhibition as a tool to promote art-объектов on the market (for example, the exhibition "Hunting with a length of 140 years. Mary Miller")". Author: Miller, M. M. supervisor: Vekhova T. M.

4. "The attribution of the icon of the Korsun mother of God from a private collection". Author: Momot E. V. Scientific supervisor: Komashko N. I.

5. "Attribution and examination of works of art: a study of terms". Author: Piskunova E. V. Scientific supervisor: Sengupta, O. D.

6. ""The mandate of her Imperial Majesty Catherine Vtoryya..." (SPb., 1770): history-книговедческий analysis". Author: Galkin V. A. Scientific supervisor Tarakanova O. L.

the Event will be held indoors Institute of art-бизнеса and Antiques at the address: Moscow, Naryshkinskaya alley, 5, p. 1.

Source: the Institute of Art Business and Antiques

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