Two dealers again quarreled-за Koons
This time not with the Perelman Gagosian. Dealer Fabrizio Moretti filed a lawsuit against the gallery owner David Zwirner from-за sculpture of Jeff Koons with a brilliant blue Orb
First, the dealer Fabrizio Moretti, whose company is based in London, demanded that David Zwirner $2 million for "breach of contract" and "information hiding". He accused the gallery owner that a work of art that he Zwirner ordered and paid about a year ago (still not saying that this is the work of Koons), was not delivered on time. During this time, according to Moretti, the work fell dramatically in price, including because Tsvirner poorly promoted in the market other works by this artist. On this basis, the customer refused the deal and demanded his money. Tsvirner disagreed. Followed by a lawsuit.
later, the details have surfaced. All cheese-бор broke out-за sculpture by Jeff Koons from the series "Gazing Ball" (the one where the replicas of famous antique sculptures teetering blue shiny garden ball). The work is called "the centaur and Epiphany". Moretti even decided that $2 million is not enough, and demanded $6 million was Made and a new claim to the Tsvirner. The plaintiff accused the world-renowned dealer in "fraud" and a game of "three card Monte" (a classic card trick, similar to the game in thimbles) with different instances of the Koons sculpture. The essence of his claim is that Tsvirner promised him a second copy of the sculpture in the drawing of the three number and one of the author's copies, but two years later tried to sell him last numbered copy. Other instances got the new numbers, or were called "prototypes". Another version of "the Centaur and epifani" was auctioned by the third number, though it was created about a year before Moretti ordered Zwirner "number 2".
In new-Йорке there is a special law governing the sale of works of art. If a potential buyer takes a work in the edition of 4 works, you can't hide from him what-то unrecorded instances, calling them "prototypes", — the lawyer says Moretti. The law was adopted because buyers see their purchases as investments and needs to know the print runs, etc.
Side Zwirner claims that Koons did not impose restrictions on the circulation.
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