Art Investment

Artists have accused Zara of stealing their ideas

Foreign authors published more than a dozen obvious examples, when the stores of Spanish brand sold "lapped" them things

that 12 artists Zara accused in the theft of the design, written in a particular site We are talking about the little things — badges, accessories, stripes on clothing. In Zara stores sold trinkets, only slightly different from the originals, created by independent designers. Where-то Zara changed the proportions of the icon, where-то color, but to argue about: everything seen on the photo. Design in all cases, blatantly borrowed, whatever lawyers may say that ideas, everyday phrases and images not patented.

Scoperta claims to Zara became 27-летняя designer and Illustrator Tuesday weld Pool (Tuesday Bassen), which has done projects for Nike and Urbab Outfitters. She has published four examples of unauthorized use of your Zara design. Later his collection stolen by the developments of different authors published another deluded artist, Adam Kurtz.

In General, it happens, the brand is great, for all will not follow. @Ndashчеловечески clear. Here we would solve-быстрому. But the appeal of the robbed author Zara caused a strange reaction: the lawyers of the retailer tried to wriggle out of style: who is-то seems similar but not the same. And only after the story became widely known in the Internet, the company entered into negotiations with lawyers Swimming, announced the beginning of an internal investigation and removal from sale of the disputed products.

In General, it is striking that such stories can happen with such major brands (only one site visit Zara 98 000 000 people per month) with their armies of lawyers and PR people. However, happen. Zara, of course, cool. But artists hurt bad.


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