Art Investment

Moscow museums are not against pokemon

Unlike the Minister of culture

Millions of smartphone users, carried away by the catching of pokémon through the app Pokemon Go can go in search of them in museums – MOMA, the Whitney Museum, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, etc., and although the official version of the app in Russia has not yet emerged, employees of some of the Moscow museums have found that in their halls pokemon too.

for Example, the existence of pokemon reported RIA Novosti, the Internet Manager-проектов Pushkin Museum. Pushkin Tamara Velikodnev: "In the beginning of the week we downloaded the app and decided to see if there's any pokemon in the Museum. Yes, there is. We wrote about this in the Museum Twitter and invited people to the Museum, even to collect pokémon..."

Manual of the Pushkin Museum believes that hardly anyone-то to buy the entrance ticket to the Museum only for pokemon. The game is perceived rather as a means for emotional relief after visiting some-то of the exhibition. "We are confident that among the visitors there are people who play this game" @ - comments Velikodnev.

But the Museum of modern art "Garage" pokémon doesn't get what it is with regret according to its Director Anton Belov. According to Belova, a special camera that allows you to catch pokemon, were established before the building of the former restaurant "seasons" was transformed into the Museum of modern art. The management of "Garage" is going to even speak directly to Nintendo and ask them to introduce him to pokemon. I think the game is harmless. The Museum's mission is to captivate the visitor to the real world after he catch all the pokémon.

However, at that time, as world and Russian museums welcomed a new app that can draw in their halls and more young people, the culture Minister Vladmir Medinsky spoke about the Pokemon GO, and indeed, all computer games, in a negative way. "Culture and pokemon have nothing in common," @ - I quote the Minister. – "I went through a time when I was playing. Played in the early 90-х years, when "Tetris" appeared, and immediately realized that it was evil."

don't like pokemon and major museums like the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington and Museum Auschwitz-Биркенау. The management of these institutions appealed to game developers with a request to remove geotags pokemon out of their rooms, and visitors are asked to refrain from playing on their site.


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