Art Investment

Innovative pigment blue wins the hearts of artists

Inorganic pigment YInMn blue, accidentally synthesized in a lab in Oregon, has already been enjoyed by artists. It is not toxic and does not tarnish, the best hitherto known blue pigments

the New color pigments in the hearts of artists. In 2014 it was invented in the black world pigment Vantablack that absorbs of 99.96% of light. But if at first it was supposed to use only for the space and aviation industries (to mask the fighters and satellites), then in 2016 the exclusive right to use Vantablack received and one artist – Anish Kapoor (which, of course, had to taste all the other artists). Fortunately, another newly-outdoor colorful pigment – bright blue YInMn blue – will soon allow the use of all artists and not only them.

the Sudden opening YInMn blue occurred in the laboratory of the University of Oregon in 2009. A leading chemist Mas Subramanian (Mas Subramanian and his team conducted experiments related to electronics. Mixing black oxide of manganese with a number of chemical compounds and heating the mixture up to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1,100 degrees Celsius), scientists accidentally got in one of the flasks composition of a bright blue color. Further experiments showed that this compound in crystalline form does not fade even when dipping in water or oil. Called the connection YInMn – for its member elements yttrium (Yttrium), India (Indium) and manganese (Manganese).

what is the advantage of a new inorganic blue pigment? YInMn blue as bright as ultramarine (lapis-лазурь), but much more resistant. While not as toxic as cobalt blue or Prussian blue. "YInMn more stable, safe and moderately easy to manufacture", @- says Subramanian. Another useful property YInMn blue – it reflects a large amount of infrared radiation. Ie covered with that pigment roof in theory will help keep buildings cool.

the patent for the use of the new pigment was received by the company Shepherd Color Company. Subramanian hopes that soon YInMn blue will be widely used in industrial production of paints for the house, and directly by artists (several authors have already tried and liked), and even restorers (because the pigment is very close to ultramarine, but it is really more stable).


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