Art Investment

When will the "Night at the Museum — 2016"

21 may 2016 from 18:00 until late at night many museums in Russia will work for free. So decided to celebrate international Museum day

"night at the Museum" — Russian and international cultural event, allowing them to go to the Museum for free and in unusual times, and without traffic jams on the roads. However, the payback for "night owls" will be queues at the most popular institutions. Already tested not once.

However, the event is fun, popular and crowded. This year, more than 200 museums 21 may will work after 18:00, and some sites working "day" will end after midnight. The total time of the end no — usually it is at the discretion of the management of each specific Museum. At this time the "night at the Museum" will be held with emphasis on the film (because 2016-й declared the Year of Russian cinema). Accordingly, spectators will have to wait for unusual exposure associated with the "most important art".

Yet the General plan and final program to be announced, the Department of culture of Moscow promises to publish it after 11 may. But in General, it is known that scheduled a record number of tours, concerts and popular among young people quests.

Among the unusual projects have included "Behind the scenes" — the opportunity to visit inaccessible in normal times, the Museum space as part of the tour with professional experts, curators. Promised that the tour will be hosted by popular media personality. Who — is not exactly known. But if suddenly will lead a tour Oleg Kulik — can go safely with him interesting and fun. In the project "Behind the scenes" will involve the Jewish Museum and tolerance center, Moscow Museum of modern art at Petrovka, the Museum of contemporary history of Russia, exhibition center, Moscow zoo, Moscow Polytechnic Museum and others.

the Department of culture of Moscow also has reported that on may 21 in the exhibition hall "Gallery in Kashirka", Moscow Mayakovsky Museum organizes a lecture on "Mayakovsky and the film 1920-х years", and will also show the movie "lady and the hooligan" written by Soviet poet with him in the lead role. At ENEA will be an exhibition "Cinema and fashion. Dresses famous Actresses from the Alexandre Vassiliev Foundation", Solyanka Gallery will present non-стоп a program of the best Russian and foreign surreal movies.

Specifically and exclusively for guests Visa corps of the Tretyakov gallery on Krymsky Val and Tretyakov, as well as the State Museum of architecture Schusev extended opening hours and will open its doors from 23:00 to 01:00. To get to these and other special events for holders of Visa premium cards you must register on the official website.

Tele2 will launch ten free buses to quickly move guests shares between the major Museum venues in the capital. The route along the inner side of the Garden ring includes 8 stops and about 40 museums within walking distance. Special consultants talk about the route and will help to Orient the program of the event. Buses will run from 18:00 until midnight every 15 minutes.

"Capital shipping company" will launch a special route from the pier "Gorky Park. Gorky" (m. "October" metro station "Park of Culture") at the pier "Novospassky bridge" (m "proletarian") and back with stops at the piers, "the Crimean bridge", "B. Stone bridge", "B. Ustinsky bridge". Boats will run from 18:00 to 00:00 every 25 minutes, tickets at a special rate — 400 rubles.

the Moscow Department of culture promises that the entire program of the action "night at the Museum" will be available after may 11 at (which doesn't work yet). Information on individual events within the action published here (this site is already running). With the program "Night of museums" in Saint-Петербурге you can see, in particular, here.


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