Art Investment

The Museum of Russian impressionism opens on 28th may 2016

Private collection of businessman Boris mints, will be on display in the renovated building of the former confectionery factory "Bolshevik" on Leningradsky Prospekt

Boris mints — 57-летний the billionaire head of the investment holding O1 Group (stocks, real estate). In 1990-е was Deputy Chubais, now his condition is estimated by Forbes 1.2 billion. In February, it was announced that the mints will soon open a modern Museum of Russian impressionism, equipped with the latest technology.

And it looks like it's all coming down: 28 may 2016 the Museum, located in a former grain warehouse, a candy factory "Bolshevik" (Moscow, Leningradsky prospect, 15), will receive its first visitors.

on the Eve of the opening Museum Mintz gave an an interview with art historian Irina Osipova on the website artandhouses. From this it becomes clear (at least I so understood) that the "Russian impressionism" in the name of the Museum should be perceived not as a cultural phenomenon, but rather as a stylistic reference point, but more as a marketing tool. This will ensure more accurate positioning of the Museum in a series of competitors. Visitors to the Museum Mintz will be clear from the start that in the permanent exhibition they will have to deal with figuratively Russian painting, not an abstraction. And with the painting in a very wide range of time — from Vasily Polenov until Valery Koshlyakov. The collection includes art created by over 150 years, — Kustodiev, Korovin, Grabar, V. Serov, Nalbandian, Pimenov. In total more than 70 works on three floors on an area of about 1,000 square meters. Other genres (including foreign painting) can show in the format of temporary exhibitions.

About the origins of his collecting Mintz said in an interview the following: "a Huge role in my collecting of played gallery owner Leonid Shishkin. The first time a lot of works, especially graphics, I bought from him. I liked him to come, to sit, to drink tea, painting to discuss. Then, when the Shishkin became more to live in London, one of its employees, Yulia Petrova, began to work with me and eventually became the Director of my Museum. Now, when we are talking about the Museum, without her approval I work do not buy. But if I do not buy for the Museum, but for myself, there's only my taste. For example, I love Ukrainian artist Eugenia Capital. I buy a lot of graphics, I have a few dozen works by Benois, Dobuzhinsky. Love the Union of Russian artists. Very fond of Valery Koshlyakov, I'm friends with him, and I have the opportunity to come to the Studio and, while the paint is still wet, to buy enough."

it is Planned that the Museum collection will be replenished and updated. In interview with Boris mints said that in recent years he buys seven — ten papers per year for several million dollars.


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