Exhibition of Jeff Koons will be held in the gallery by Damien Hirst
It will be the most ambitious exhibition project Koons in the UK since 2009
the private gallery Damien Hirst's Newport Street Gallery in London from 18 may to 16 October 2016 will be held an exhibition of works by his longtime friend and colleague of Jeff Koons. On the website of the gallery of Hirst's promise that the project "Now" ("Now") will be the most ambitious exhibition of Koons in the UK since the display in the serpentine gallery in 2009.
All the works of Koons — more than 30 — come from the collection who do you think? Of course, Damien Hirst. The most commercially successful contemporary British artist claims that he collected the work of his American colleagues for more than 12 years. Selected for an exhibition of paintings and sculptures cover the time period from 1979 to 2014. This works from the famous series "Equilibrium" ("Balance"), "Popeye" and the provocative "Made in Heaven" ("Made in heaven"). Key operation practically does not differ from similar compilations of "hits" presented at the Koons retrospective at the Whitney in 2014. So the popularity of the exhibition, is practically guaranteed.
Sources: artnet.com, artinvestment.ru
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