Art Investment

Detained Orthodox activist who participated in the pogrom of the exhibition at the Manege

Lyudmila Esipenko accused of damage of a sculpture by Vadim Sidur

Orthodox activist Lyudmila Esipenko who participated in the pogrom of the exhibition of Vadim Sidur in the "Manege" in the summer of last year, is detained. Investigative bodies intend to apply for house arrest in connection with damage of sculpture, — reports Interfax.

"Today after arriving at the Department of inquiry GU MVD in Moscow Lyudmila was detained as a suspect under part 1 of article 243 of the criminal code (destruction or damage of cultural heritage sites or cultural values). After half an hour it will be charged tomorrow in Simonovsky court of Moscow — reviewed the petition for election her a measure of restraint to house arrest", — said the girl's lawyer Oksana mikhalkina.

According to counsel, the charges shall be presented in the framework of a criminal investigation initiated on 14 September 2015 upon the application of the Association "Manege" on the fact of damage to cultural property.

While Esipenko is the only defendant in the case, said mikhalkina. The lawyer said her client does not belong to any public Association, "simply is a deeply religious man."

"We consider the arrest and indictment of the absurd. We will appeal against the actions of police officers. No evidence in the case we are not going to give in accordance with article 47 of the code of criminal procedure (rights of accused), which gives such a right", — she said.

the leader of the movement "God's will" Dmitry Larionov (Enteo) in his Twitter account called the arrest Esipenko "the tyranny of the corrupt system of the interior Ministry, which has sold out to the lobbyists of anti-Christian values."

on August 14, 2015 the activists of "God's will" led Enteo broke to the exhibition "Sculptures, which we do not see". Saying about insulting the feelings of believers, they destroyed a number of exhibits. Went to the works of acclaimed Soviet sculptor and artist Vadim Sidur.

"Manege" declared intention to achieve excitation of criminal case upon massacre. The heads of several major Russian museums demanded to punish the activists who caused damage to the exhibition.

Police seized four damaged prints. In press-службе Moscow police on 15 September 2015 reported that the Prosecutor's office confirmed the criminal investigation into the incident at the exhibition in Manezh.

According to Larionova, "it was only on the plate and pieces of linoleum" — no sculptures they would not touch.


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