Art Investment

Russian artists in the collection of Leonardo DiCaprio

In the collection of Oscar-winning actor is the work of Oleg Dou and Aidan Salakhova

According to the legend, Leo's parents decided to name his son in honor of the great namesake-художника, standing in front of a painting of Da Vinci's "Annunciation" in the Uffizi gallery. The story is beautiful, too. But it is known more: Leonardo DiCaprio has grown not only an outstanding actor but also an avid collector.

according to artnet, "survivor" collects postwar and contemporary art. And do not buy at knockdown prices, though easily can afford it. The most famous and expensive of his purchases, usually do not go over budget $600 000-1 000 000. From new acquisitions to his collection recall the work of Frank Stella, 1973, bought for about million dollars in December of 2015 at Art Basel Miami, Marianne Boesky gallery. Di Caprio like the works of Jean-Мишеля Basquiat (he has pictures of American neoekspressionista), ed Rushia, Takashi Murakami, Andreas Gursky, URS Fischer and rising star Mark Grotjan. Most likely, DiCaprio is Picasso: he closely followed the auctions, exhibiting the works of the Spaniard.

however, the investment component of a particular work for Di Caprio plays the lead role. Its purchases are often emotional. This is a man who quite often buys works of authors in the early career — simply because like. Buys everywhere — at fairs, in galleries, at auctions and even, as a joke, according to Instagram. A joke is a joke, but the work of Brooklyn artist Jean-Пьера Roy (Jean-Pierre Roy) not so long ago was in the collection of DiCaprio after photos of his actor saw in popular social networks.

Is in the collection of DiCaprio and the work of Russian contemporary artists — Oleg Dou and Aidan Salakhova. They were exhibited several years ago at a charity auction Naomi Campbell, where they acquired the Oscar-winning actor. This became known from Aidan Salakhova and Eugene Antufiev from the review in Facebook Sergei Gridchina. it was also published photos of the DOE, which, perhaps, is in the collection of DiCaprio. Not exactly what this. But exactly what our in DiCaprio. And that is what I am particularly and pleasantly. The current auction record of Oleg Dou — $43 500 (Kieselbach. 14.12.2007). Auction record Aidan Salakhova — $37 500 (Sotheby's. 15.02.2007)


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