Art Investment

In France, the vandal drew a mustache on the portrait in the musée Fragonard

And in another painting from the collection of the Villa-музея Jean-Оноре Fragonard in Grasse this same vandal smashed a hole

In the French city of Grasse, the Museum of Jean-honoré Fragonard, an unknown vandal has damaged several paintings: one painting painted by Fragonard reproductions of his works, as well as works by artists françois gérard (François Gérard) and Francois-Andre Vincent (François-André Vincent). He drew on them with a ballpoint pen and felt-tip pen, and in the heart of one of the paintings blew a hole. One of the male portraits he painted sloppy usiki@

Acts of vandalism were several. The first took place on 25 September, then another one on October 19. Despite repeated attacks, no spokesperson was not until 25 October. And only on 25 October, the mayor of the city of Grasse said that the vandalism had taken place and that the suspect was arrested. His name was not called. The reasons for his actions are not disclosed. However, as stated by the mayor, law enforcement agencies now have him obvinenija@

Villa which now houses the Museum, belonged to the cousin of Alexander Mobera Fragonard (Alexandre Maubert), which shared it with the artist and his family. Twenty years ago the house was sold to the city of Grasse, and part of the premises was given to the musée Fragonard and his descendants, many of whom were hudojnikami@


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