Art Investment

The Russian Museum is not allowed to take pictures in Sweden from-за Yukos case

The Ministry of culture fears that cultural property can be seized. Chagall's paintings and other avant-garde artists were involved in the temporary exhibition in Stockholm

State Russian Museum has not received the permission of the Ministry of culture for the export of paintings by Marc Chagall and other avant-garde artists to the exhibition in Sweden, reports RBC with reference to Interfax. "An export permit for certain exhibits and cultural values we received, it was not issued", — said the Agency Director of the Museum Vladimir Gusev. The decision of the Ministry of culture, according to him, due to fears for the safety of the paintings, "associated with the Yukos affair and the arrest of property."

Exhibition was to be held in the Stockholm Museum Millesgården. The Museum's management expressed disappointment at the cancellation of the exhibition. "Our colleagues from the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, where our exhibition was supposed to do most of the work Marc Chagall, upset as we are," — said in a statement on the website of the Museum, which was signed by the Director Anita Vass@

According to her, both sides have invested a lot of time and effort into getting insurance, transport arrangements and have done extensive work on the preparation of the exhibition. Exhibition of avant-garde artists was to open on September 12 and will last four masaza@ @@4 in the Case of the arrest of the Russian property was considered by law enforcement authorities in several European countries. They relied on the decision of the Arbitration court in the Hague, which was announced in July 2014. Arbitration has estimated losses of shareholders of Yukos $50 billion and ordered Russia to pay compensation in this amount. In addition, there is the decision of the ECHR, according to which Russia must pay former Yukos shareholders €1,86 mlrd@

First reports about the arrest of Russian accounts were received in June 2015 from France and Belgium. Former Yukos shareholders have also filed lawsuits in the courts of the UK and the US, since the laws of these countries interim seizure of property can be carried out only after the recognition of decisions in local sudah@

Russian foreign Ministry warned the state Department that in case of acceptance of the verdict of the Hague Tribunal as to the Yukos case and the application of interim measures for its execution in the U.S. Moscow retaliates. Moscow believes that the Hague Tribunal did not have jurisdiction to consider the dispute of its decision taken on the basis of an international agreement party to which Russia was not, in a dispute that does not fall under it deistvie@


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