Art Investment

Kandinsky prize was given to Pavel Pepperstein

Pavel Pepperstein became a laureate of the "Kandinsky Prize 2014" with the project "Holy policy". The winner in the category "Young artist. Project of the year" was albert soldiers video "Balthus"

laureate of the "Kandinsky Prize" in 2014 in the category "Project of the year is Pavel Pepperstein exhibition project "Holy policy". He will be awarded the prize in the amount of 40 thousand euros. The winner in the second category "Young artist. Project of the year" and awarded a prize in the amount of 10 thousand euros was albert soldiers with their video "Baltus@

this year in the framework of the "Kandinsky Prize" for the first time were given the award in the nomination "Scientific work. History and theory of contemporary art". The main prize in this category will be the publication of scientific research laureate in Russian or English (if Russian publication already have). The winner in this category was the historian Mikhail Yampolsky with his study of the "Picturesque gnosis@

Lists nominees finalists "Kandinsky Prize 2014"

"Holy policy" Pavel Pepperstein

Project includes 10 paintings and a few graphics, in which the artist is naive, childish and almost blessed sight gives political reality. Topical pain points embodied in the fairy-tale characters, mythical allies of the author, declaring anger and irritation from happening in the world. The artist with his usual wit connects cultural codes and cartoon characters, bright colors and graphic images, written with his usual clarity. His hero is a person in General, without reference to any particular person or country. The author says about the game the minds of politicians around the world, which should not criticize or try to overcome. For an adequate perception of helpful awareness of what is happening. Incandescent atmosphere and ferment in society, according to the author, is presented in the old and broken forms. The author draws a wide spectrum of relevant topics from political Wiedergabe to urban development and protection of the environment from "civilization predators. Inspired by the work of Oskar Kokoschka and Soviet political caricature, the artist writes his characters, who, like the animated metaphors are woven with texts and are a continuation of each druga@

"Balthus" albert Soldatova

Video consists of 10 scenes, formal models of characters from painting artist Balthus. The characters, frozen in the atmosphere of inactivity, actualize hung as if in a trance consciousness of modern man, the visitor social networking, forums, where information is presented in a fragmented form. These fragments quick emotions, evaluations, opinions, jokes. Internet space here as a field empty fragmented information. Characters video overlay narration quotes from the Internet Express infantile consciousness of the user. Sound - over dialogues, composed of replicas of social seta@


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