Art Investment

Announced the finalists for the Kandinsky Prize 2014

Of the 35 works of Kandinsky Prize nominees 2014 international jury chose the 9 finalists - three works in each category

35 works of Kandinsky Prize nominees 2014 the international jury chose 9 finalists - three works in each of nominati.

On the second stage of voting, which took place in the framework of the exhibition of the nominees, members of the international jury selected the finalists for the Award. For the first time in the history of the Prize was two meetings and voted two separate jury, one of which is discussed exclusively work in the new category "Scientific work. History and theory of contemporary art". Each of the members of the jury voted a personal list of three works of the nominees. The finalists were the participants with the highest number Golosov.

Monitoring compliance with the voting procedures to the rules of the Prize on the day of counting of votes was conducted by EY.

a List of finalists in alphabetical poryadke.

In the category "Project goda":

- Irina Korina. "Chorus"

- Lily Lee mi-Jan. Masters/Servants

- Pavel Pepperstein. The project "Holy policy"

In the category "Young artist. The project goda":

- Elena Rykova. "The Mirror Of Galadriel"

- Timothy, Rada. "All I know about street art"

- albert soldiers. "Balthus"

In the category "Scientific work. History and theory of modern iskusstva":

- Viktor Misiano. Five lectures on mentoring

Igor Chubarov. "Collective sensibility: the theory and practice of leftist avant-garde"

Mikhail Yampolsky. "Beautiful gnosis"

a member of the jury, art historian, Director of the State Museum of contemporary art (SMCA) in Thessaloniki Maria Tsantsanoglou comments: "the jury Members reviewed and discussed a lot of interesting projects, our choice was easy. Realizing it, we were guided by three important aspects: relevance, timelessness and good use of materialov".

Exhibition, where you can see the finalists ' works, goes up to 30 November 2014 Udarnik".


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