Lectures on the decorative and applied arts
The course, which will begin on 30 October in the East-European Antique House will get acquainted with the history of porcelain, works of art by famous factories, learn about collecting Antiques. Free. Admission is free by appointment
October 30, 2014 in the shop of the East-European Antique House at the Lomonosov prospect starts a course of lectures on the decorative and applied arts. In class, students will get acquainted with the history of porcelain, works of art by famous factories, and also learn about collecting antikvariata.
Reads all lectures collector with years of experience, expert of the National Institute for Independent Expertise (NYNEX) and art Director of the East-European Antique House Levon Datalen: "More than a thousand years the secret of porcelain production was carefully kept from Eastern masters. Then, in the beginning of the XVIII century, this mystery was revealed to European scientists, and today we have the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent creations of the factories of Meissen, Vienna, Sevres and other! At the first lecture I will tell the fascinating story of the origin of European traditions porcelain production and will showcase the creations of the most famous factories".
it is Assumed that since the end of October lectures on the decorative arts will be held in the salon of East European Antique House every Thursday. October 30, listeners will find a story about the stylistic differences between Chinese and European porcelain of the eighteenth century, as well as familiarity with the works of early Meissen (1710-1740). This topic will be continued in the next lecture 6 November, where Levon Datalen will talk about the existence of Meissen porcelain in the international antique Rinke.
Private lessons in the course will be devoted to the porcelain of the Russian Empire, Sevres porcelain, private European factories XVIII - XX centuries, as well as collecting antikvariata.
a Detailed schedule of lectures: domantik.ru.
Lectures will be held in the salon of East European Antique House at the address: Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospect, 29, block 1.
Lectures given to everyone for free. Admission is free. To register for the course by phone: +7(499) 301-0-301.
Source: press release of the East-European Antique House
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