Art Investment

From Melnikov House branch of the Museum of Architecture will Shchusev

The new museum will include a box run MUAR half Melnikov House, as well as dedicated Melnikov House exhibition at the Museum of Architecture

From Melnikov House in Krivoarbatsky lane to make a museum of Konstantin Melnikov and Victor - a branch of the State Museum of Architecture Schusev . The new museum will include a box run MUAR half Melnikov House , as well as dedicated Melnikov House exhibition at the Museum of Architecture .

Melnikov House is now in disrepair, there is an urgent need to carry out restoration and other operation. Director Irina MUAR Korobina believes that the only way to save the house - to create in it a state museum . Strictly speaking, and wanted Victor Melnikov, a wonderful artist , who lived and worked in a building built by his father. However, the other half of the house still lives granddaughter of the famous architect Catherine Karinskaya . Because this part of the house for several years, there are legal proceedings .

« There is a decision of the court in this house tenants should not be, - says Irina Korobina . - But issues such as the eviction of people from their homes, are not within the competence of the museum. We developed the concept of a branch , which took approval of the Academic Council and the approval of the International Academy of Architecture . Now we are waiting for the Ministry of Culture ».

According to the director of the museum, the Ministry of Culture is in the final stage of approval . Schuseva museum plans to launch a new platform within six months after its release .

Round - house workshop in Krivoarbatsky lane is considered the pinnacle of creativity prominent architect Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov. The building , known worldwide as the Melnikov House , considered one of the main symbols of the XX century architecture and original icon of world culture. Inspired by the success and global recognition , Melnikov designed and built the house during his "golden season" - from 1927 to 1929 , and this project was one of the most successful experiments in architectural history. Melnikov opened and applied in the work of the House decisions that were subsequently recognized as revolutionary. The original design , elegant spatial composition and strong engineering techniques made ​​famous architect and his work all over the world . Critics estimate Melnikov House as one of the highest achievements of Russian architecture and design genius to put it on a par with Kizhi and St. Basil's Cathedral .

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