Art Investment

[Outdoor Club] playbill events for January

Recital artist Anatoly Chechik, Alexander Theological exhibition, public lectures on the northern modernity, actress Lyudmila Tselikovskaya and about the Great Patriotic War of 1812

Club and Gallery [ Outdoor Club ] ( Ul. Spiridonovka , 9/2 ) is a poster on January 2014 .

January 14 Tuesday . Recital artist Anatoly Chechik

Starts at 20:00

Each artist recreates the world on its own way . One word is enough to distort , slow down , speed up or even turn it upside down. Another missing clay or marble. A third - a brush , paint and canvas. With their help it is easy to notice the vast invisibly small and great in a completely inconspicuous . It is this skill perfectly mastered artist Anatoly Chechik . His paintings do not reveal the mysteries of the history they show it to us with an unusual angle , without embellishing , but animating it. How exactly it works the artist know his recital in [ Open club ].

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16-28 January . Exhibition Alexander Theology

Opening on Thursday, 16 January, at 19:00

« Alexander Theology . Art as Religion

Sasha Theology for me is a real Knight Arts . He was familiar with the great artists of our time - Andrei Vasnetsov , Victor Elkonin , , Alexander Drevin Jr. , Shilovskaya , Alexandra Lukashevker , Dmitry Shakhovskoi , Andrew Krasulin , his father Alexander Theological - creative communication and friendship with which replaced his artistic education. Sasha is very rarely showed his work that speaks of his self-sufficiency and independence from other people's opinions . It was only after his death, during the dismantling of his legacy , many graphic works and paintings , opened his immense talent , suddenly even the most intimate friends .

no doubt that it represents their creativity tradition Moscow school of painting at its best .

Arts religion was for him , and he gave himself up to it with a passion .

Sasha was quite - still reticent man . Very afraid of whatever was due to domestic environmental world of Soviet reality . Hike to the housing office , the police or other Soviet institution called it a real shock. After this, he even some time could not work ... But at the same time, these experiences gave him the sharpness of vision of new topics that reflect the social reality of the time ( construction , workers, ordinary people ...).

When Sasha all that he could say in art, ended his life ... »

Felix Buch , artist, November 2013

January 21 , Tuesday

Hraznova Elena - "Group " World of Art " and Northern Modern "

Starts at 19:00

« a work of art is not an end in itself, but only as an expression of the personality of the creator " - this phrase has become Diagilew program for miriskusnikov . It also expressed its opposition to the ideas of the Wanderers, and the abandonment of strict academic and a new perception of the role of the artist. If the strength of his imagination to revive the beauty of medieval culture , revive antiquity Russian iconography or seen in the palace of St. Petersburg echoes elegance of bygone times , the artist alike can easily transfer these wonders on page paper journal or stone building facade . Turn it into a poem or ornament surprise passers massive form - it's just him . Other equally strict rules in the art world is not and can not be. The fate of artistic association " World of Art" and the role it played in the fate of the Northern Art Nouveau , tells Elena Hraznova .

 Lyudmila Tselikovskaya

Lyudmila Tselikovskaya Source :

January 23 , Thursday. BM Poyurovsky " Lyudmila Tselikovskaya »

Starts at 20:00

she learned music earlier than the letters of the alphabet , from school years playing in the orchestra led by his father , the conductor , with tears ran from the entrance exam to the Shchukin School - and became one of the most famous actresses of the Soviet theater and cinema .

Ludmila Tselikovskaya and could not enter into the history of art through any one facet of his talent : every movie and play open something new in it . Sergei Eisenstein appreciated actress for sincere look , the audience - for talent easily rip their applause only one appearance on the scene , the actors Taganka Theater - for the ability to combine professional stubbornness with a rare modesty. Read more about what actress Lyudmila Tselikovskaya remembered contemporaries tell Moscow theater critic Boris Poyurovsky .

January 28 , Tuesday. Novodvorskaya " catastrophic victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 »

Starts at 20:00

January 29 , Wednesday. [ Open Collection ] № 7

Starts at 19:00

30 Thursday, January . Catherine Kornilovoj exhibition "Winter in Moscow, and summer is near »

Vernissage 19:00

Source :
[ Outdoor club ] playbill events in January

Admission to all events is free , recording to the website [ Open Club ] .

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