Art Investment

Denver Museum of painting would inherit $ 100 million

Philanthropist Frederic C. Hamilton promised to bequeath the Denver Museum of Art 22 masterpieces from the collection - works by Cezanne, Van Gogh, Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, and others - a total cost of about $ 100 million

Paul Cezanne Artist at work
Work included in the gift of Frederick the Denver museum of Art Hamilton
Source :

collector and philanthropist from Colorado Frederic C. Hamilton (Frederic C. Hamilton) decided to bequeath the Denver museum of Art 22 masterpieces from its collection of general worth about $ 100 million. This landscapes by Vincent Van Gogh , Paul Cezanne , Gustave Caillebotte , Claude Monet , Pierre-Auguste Renoir , Camille Pissarro, Edouard Manet , and others. It may have the largest donation ever 120 -year history of the Denver Museum , and thanks to him, the museum collection of French Impressionist art will triple and will be one of the largest in the United States . Now these works are participating in the "Ticket to Paris" , after its completion in early February landscapes back to Hamilton , and after his death will go to the museum .

Frederick Hamilton , who is now 85 years old , has long been helping the Denver museum of Art . In 2006, he sponsored the construction of a new wing of the museum for $ 20 million . Hamilton made ​​his fortune on oil production, began collecting art forty years ago , guided by the advice of a friend , Charles Moffett , the current vice - chairman of Sotheby's in New York . This outstanding collection , and the Denver Museum is definitely very lucky. However, it was not without persuasion . Director of the museum took a fine game to convince Hamilton , originally planned to bequeath this work to their children, the need to make them public domain . The final stage of this game was the exhibition . Prior to this , in fact, the show 's first public collection Hamilton could only see friends and relatives . And the crowds finally convinced of the correctness of his collector solutions .

Prepared by Mary Onuchina , AI

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