Art Investment

In London, an art fair Frieze

Number of galleries participating in this year dropped by almost a quarter, but the pavilions of art dealers like Gagosian pleasing solid selection of works - from the steel "hearts" Koons sculpture to Georg Baselitz

at London's Regent's Park, opened one of the world's leading contemporary art fairs Frieze. Fair will last until October 20, and will present more than 152 galleries from 30 countries . As told in an interview with Reuters Frieze founder Amanda Sharp (Amanda Sharp), pavilions this year, lower by about 20-25 percent. This is due to the conduct of last year's Frieze fair and even in New York, as well as the emergence of subsidiary Fair Frieze Masters, specializing in the art of the old masters to the twentieth century , inclusive. Frieze Masters is also open in Regent's Park until October 20 , it presents 130 galleries pavilions . Despite the reduction in the number of exhibitors , collectors of contemporary art Frieze still remains one of the most resonant of world art fairs . And in conjunction with Frieze Masters becomes a key British show of the works of art that you can buy .

At Frieze multimillion work of contemporary art stars like Jeff Koons side by side with the works of young artists , collectors who can afford allow for a few thousand dollars. According to Amanda Sharp, for it is important to give the word novice show really deserves to young galleries and at the same time encourage experienced players the art market.

The fact that visitors to the first draw attention - five large-scale sculptures by Jeff Koons Larry Gagosian in the pavilion . Among them - " Sacred Heart ( purple /blue )" ( 1994-2007 ) from the series " Triumph ". According to art dealers , a sculpture made ​​of painted stainless steel, resembling a large chocolate candy wrapped in a blue wrapper , sell for $ 22 million . This is the most expensive work at the fair .

another veteran dealer , David Tsvirner , provide in its pavilion creativity Colombian artist Oscar Murillo (Oscar Murillo), which some have dubbed the new Basquiat . A couple of years ago Murillo paintings can be purchased for 3,000 dollars. Today Tsvirner asking for some of his stuff on 150 thousand dollars. One of his abstractions at Phillips auction on September 19 in New York, was sold for a record 400,000 dollars .

The pavilion Hauser & Wirth picture Sterling Ruby (Sterling Ruby) «SP246» 2013 , it is proposed for 550 thousand dollars. And one of the most extravagant works of current Frieze - American Jennifer Rubell sculpture "Portrait of the artist." This is a huge figure of a pregnant woman in white fiberglass , and was a model for the artist herself, being the eighth month of pregnancy. In the stomach sculpture made ​​recess , visitors can literally climb into the mother's womb .

No less interesting is a satellite fair Frieze Masters. Here, one of the major surprises was the appearance in the pavilion Johnny Van Hefty (Johnny van Haeften) canvas by Pieter Brueghel the Younger " The Census at Bethlehem " in 1611 . London art dealer found the work already in Kenya. Painting belonged to the third meeting of Lord Delamere and his descendants for four centuries . Van Haeften said that when he first tried to remove the picture from the wall of the Kenyan home of her frame fell out dead gecko . " The Census at Bethlehem " has already sold at the opening of Frieze Masters for VIP-clients for 9.6 million dollars. Another work by Brueghel smaller van Haeften sold for 650,000 pounds ( $ 1 million ).

Prepared by Mary Onuchina , AI

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