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Round table "the Domestic antiquarian, antiquarian market: the sins, the UPS and downs". The announcement

The magazine "About books. Journal bibliophile" invites everyone to participate in the round table, which will be held on 18 September 2013

the Magazine "About books. Journal bibliophile" invites everyone to participate in the round table "the Domestic antiquarian, antiquarian market: the sins, the UPS and downs".

In recent years, the magazine "About books" has been repeatedly raised issues related to the condition and current problems of modern secondhand market. Addressing this topic in their publications, the authors are trying to make the market more effective and transparent as it is in their power to deal with the facts of forgery and cheating customers-dealers and collectors. Recent publications and scandalous incident show that the relevance of these themes only vozrastaet@

a conversation at a round table open to all who are not indifferent to the fate of rare books in Russia: bibliophiles, bibliopoles, book, the owners and employees of antique-secondhand stores and auction houses, dealers and experty@

Offered for discussion at the round table temy@

  • Russian antiquarian-antiquarian market today: main trends in the development, sales, ucastnici@
  • trade Leaders today: antiquarian, antiquarian shops or the auction house? The pros and cons of different forms of organization book TORGOVLI@
  • the market growth Potential. Does it and what are the main ways of further development?
  • Price policy of the market. She balanced analysis and argument? High sales, what is their reason: the participation of the strongest and richest players or policy sellers, who deliberately overcharge?
  • Hidden forgery and defects of books. Who is responsible?
  • What we expect from education of the Russian Guild of antiquaries-scribes, and which can never be achieved?
  • Training and raising qualification of specialists in antiquarian, secondhand torgovle@

moderator — editor of magazine "About books. Journal bibliophile" Sergey Chistyakov@

Round table will be held on 18 September 2013 in the Central House of Journalists (White hall) at the address: Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 8A. In the beginning 17.00.

For more information you can contact the office of the magazine "About books. Journal bibliophile", which is located in the building of the Union of journalists of Moscow at the address: Moscow, Kalashny pereulok, 3A, office № 320.

Phones: +7 (495) 691-65-01, +7 (903) 127-84-54; e-mail:

Source: press release of the round table "the Domestic antiquarian, antiquarian market: the sins, the UPS and downs"

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