Art Investment

With garden director Sergei Avrutina stolen more than 1,000 works

The robbery took place in Repino near St. Petersburg from 13 to 31 July, when the master was giving away. Was stolen collection of works by artists Manevitch movie Bella and Isaac Kaplan

from giving film director Sergei Avrutina in Repino near St. Petersburg stolen collection of over 1,000 works of art movies Bella Manevitch and Isaac Isaac M. Kaplan . The robbery took place in the period from 13 to 31 July, when the master was giving away. The collection had come to him from his wife - the daughter of Bella and Isaac Kaplan Manevitch.

sad fate Avrutina meeting for the second time. "The fact is that in August last year, these paintings have been abducted from a specified country house - according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs website. - Operatives of the Criminal Investigation crime Glaucus opened, stolen and seized enter into the criminal case as evidence. In April 2013 the case was referred to the court, after which the 20 sealed bags of stolen paintings - returned to the owner. " Unidentified attackers stole 13 of the 20 sacks. What exactly was in the stolen bags at the moment, along with a host of investigators trying to find out.

According to media reports, the value of stolen meetings up to 50 million rubles. The collection, for example, were sketches for the legendary Soviet film "White Sun of the Desert", "The Lady with the Dog," "Three Fat Men" and TV series "Sherlock Holmes," in which Bella Manevitch and Isaac Kaplan was production designer.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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