"Art Moscow" will retain its name
International Art Fair "Art Moscow" will be held from 18 to 22 September 2013 in a radically new format
International Art Fair "Art Moscow" will retain its name .
Earlier in an interview to " Kommersant" Director of " Expo- Park Exhibition Projects " and the organizer of the fair Basil Bychkov said the fair will radically change the format - will represent about 15 young and 15 distinguished galleries, offering in the segment up to 5000 euro, etc. (read more - here ). However, the format change will not result in a change of the name of the fair. It will still be called "Art Moscow" , and its main project will be New Platform. Fair will be held from September 18 to 22 at the Central House of Artists on the Crimean shaft .
Source : Press Release Fair " Art Moscow »
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