Art Investment

Fair "Art Moscow" this year will not be

Instead, it will be fair New Platform in a radically new format: 15 young and 15 distinguished galleries, with half of the participants will sell no more than 5,000 euros

Fair "Art Moscow" this year will not be. In an interview with "Kommersant" said the director of "Expo-Park Exhibition Projects" and the organizer of the fair Vasily Bychkov.

Annual International Contemporary Art Fair "Art Moscow" was held in 1996. It was the main venue where they could exhibit the works of leading contemporary art galleries in the capital. However, according to Vasily Bychkov, the project was almost always unprofitable. "Art Moscow" has brought some dividends only in 2007, but profits from the participation of 70 galleries was scanty - 200 thousand rubles. Claims against the quality of the works was to tighten the selection of galleries participating. After the 2008 crisis, fair and not recovered, an increasing proportion of the costs of the organization fell on the shoulders of the organizers. Pull on the project did not make sense. Also among the proposed works was dominated not so much interesting as beautiful.

organizers decided to radically revise the format of the fair. Now it will be a New Platform for younger and innovative galleries. To participate in the new project will be selected approximately 15 young and 15 distinguished galleries. For those new terms will be as follows: the gallery should not be older than 3 years, do not participate in "Art Moscow" in past years, and in addition, to sell art is not more expensive 5000 euros. From the old-timers will not be required to exhibit things just 5,000 euros cheaper. But on the whole extension of the price range in the direction of affordable segment should contribute to the democratization of the fair. In the young galleries will dominate foreign galleries from Germany, Belgium, France, Latvia, Spain, one - of New York. Also involved HLAM of Voronezh and Ural Vision of Yekaterinburg. Fair New Platform will take place on the third floor of the Central House of Artists from 17 to 22 September.

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