At the University of Reading found a picture of Rubens
Rubens's authorship was established after the pencil sketch on a note found the famous collector of works of the artist in the XVIII century

Peter Paul Rubens Maria de Medici
Pencil. 10,8 x 8,9
At the University of British town of Reading found drawing by Peter Paul Rubens. In the 1950s, a small sketch of the head of Queen Marie de Medici of France University has gained over 50 pounds as work "in the style of" old master. Authorship of the work recently managed to establish when the pattern was sent for restoration. Under the frame, which had never been filmed, was detected mark Jonathan Richardson, a famous collector of works by Rubens, who lived in the XVIII century.
Figure immediately sent specialists to Rubens, who confirmed the speculation and university employees Reading. Graphic work was estimated at 75,000 pounds. According to Professor Anna University Gryuttsner Robins, drawing refers to a series of graphic sketches of Maria de 'Medici, Rubens created around 1622. It was a preparatory material for the famous series of paintings on the life of Marie de Medici, the Queen ordered the artist.
Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI
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