Half a ton of "Russian national idea" - in Venice, or What is over-art?
May 31 in Venice, an open press conference CF Art Group
Russia - try to fill up. 2013
Source: Press Release CF Art Group
31 May 2013 at 17.30 on the waterfront dell Arsenale in Venice (Italy), an open press conference CF Art Group , which will be demonstrated in action dynamic sculpture "Russia - try Zavala».
This art object is created on the basis of winning the All-Russian Competition art concepts ideas « Russia - roly-poly. Country Roly-Poly ». The competition concept art with the theme of "Russian national idea" was conducted from December 2012 to March 2013. The winner Vitaly Saburov won the Grand Prix in the amount of 300,000 rubles from the organizers of the competition CF Art Group (Denis Saunin and George Mum).
The sculpture of about 5 meters, weighs 500 kg. Way to Venice dynamic sculpture began in the morning on May 9, going on a cargo van from St. Petersburg to the Finnish side of the border. Drive Finland, Germany and Austria, it has reached Italy. Now the sculpture garden of the villa is decorated with modern art lover near Venice and waiting for his "finest hour».
«In what form we will present it to the open press conference and later during the Biennale - yet remain a secret. But the promise that will not be boring! Looking forward to seeing on our actions of all those who are interested in contemporary art, new trends, "- George invites Mom, curator CF Art Group.
At a press conference will be a story of the creation of sculpture - from the idea of buying art concepts and competition to implement the winning theme of the material, the authors will share their thoughts on what they call over-art.
Denis Saunin, artist CF Art Group: « A good artist - dead artist. To announce the purchase of the concept and thus kill the artist - to sacrifice himself to art. Kill, and at the same time give rise to many new lives, attracted to art. New on the basis of the concept of the product purchased. What is the - art? No, it's over-art ».
Source : press release CF Art Group
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