Art Investment

Nominees of the BP Portrait Award

This year the number of nominees for the National Portrait Gallery UK reduced from four to two. Claim the prize John Devane and Susan du Toit

National Portrait Gallery UK has announced the nominees for its annual awards BP Portrait Award. Contest organizers portraits, money spent on British Petroleum in 1989, this time reduced the number of finalists from four to two. This has increased the prize from 25 to 30 thousand pounds. Second prize is now not 8, and 10,000 pounds.

artist and lecturer at the University of Coventry 58-year-old John Devane (John Devane) was nominated for a portrait of their children Adolescents "Time uncertainty» («Uncertain time»). Devane wanted to pass the time in their life when they have ceased to be children and become aware of their independence. All three form a little confused, as if they were waiting for something. John Devane working on this portrait of three years. In the work of his works inspired by Courbet, Chardin, Degas and Balthus.

58-year-old artist Susan du Toit (Susanne du Toit) has received a nomination for the BP Portrait Award for his portrait of his son Peter. A native of South Africa now living in Berkshire, said she gave him a complete freedom in choosing poses for a portrait. The only thing she asked for it, it does not hide his hands. According to the artist, the model's body conveys no less sense than the person.

In this year's competition came in 1969 applications from artists from 77 countries. Of these, 55 were selected the best portraits that will be presented at the National Portrait Gallery as part of a temporary exhibition from 20 June to 15 September 2013.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI

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