Art Investment

Arrested three suspects in the robbery of Rotterdam's Museum

In Romania, arrested three suspects in the kidnapping of paintings by Matisse, Gauguin, Monet, Picasso and Freud Lusiena of Kunsthal Museum in Rotterdam in October 2012. Picture has not been found
The place where hung a picture of Henri Matisse
place where hung a picture of Henri Matisse
Picture taken in Rotterdam Kunsthal museum on the day after the robbery. October 2012 Source: 55

In Romanian arrested three suspects robbery Museum Kunsthal in Rotterdam, the fall of 2012 . Early in the morning of October 16 with a temporary exhibition on the collection of Dutch investor Willem Cordy were stolen Matisse, Gauguin, Monet, Picasso, Freud Lusiena and Meyer de Haan. On the recording surveillance camera shows that the thieves managed to make a picture out of the building for fifteen minutes. Guards at the museum was not, but an alarm. However, the police do not keep up with the nimble thieves. The total cost of the seven stolen works, according to various estimates, from 50 million to 200 million euros.

There were many rumors about the motives of the crime. Some thought that the pictures were "ordered" to pay off the debt nobody crime boss: for lack of cash to repay the debtors decided paintings.

Three suspects were arrested in Romania for about a month ago. They are still in custody, being questioned, but no details of investigation, the police did not disclose. We only know that the picture is still not found. Whatever it was, to sell stolen works extremely hard, if not impossible. Experts believe that the price of the stolen work in the black market accounts for only 5-10 percent of its fair market value, and can become even lower if the painting was damaged during the theft.

Prepared Maria Onuchina, AI

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