Restoration of paintings P. Korin "Father Sergius Uspensky senior" and "Schema-Abbess Tamar"
In preparation for the special project "Pavel Korin. "Requiem". On the history of "leaving Russia" "in TG restored two canvases
For several years, the Tretyakov Gallery is preparing a major special project "Pavel Korin. "Requiem". On the history of "leaving Russia. '" Specifically for its opening restoration carried portraits of the series "Requiem. Disappearing Russia ". Artworks Gallery came to the store in the state of conservation of the complex is closed for renovation House Museum P. Korin, one of the academic departments of the Tretyakov Gallery.
Corina PD Schema-Abbess Tamar. 1935 canvas. 142 x 75. TG Before and after restoration Source: |
Corina PD Schema-Abbess Tamar. 1935 Fragment. Oil on canvas. 142 x 75. TG Before and after restoration Source: |
been restored paintings "Father Sergius Assumption senior" (1929. Oil on canvas. 142 x 75) and "Schema-Abbess Tamar" (1935. Oil on canvas. 142 x 75).
Pavel Korin (1892-1967) worked on the film "Requiem. Disappearing Russia "over 30 years. He created a gallery of portraits, but have not started writing a large canvas. Artistic vision PD Korin formed under the influence of farewell to Patriarch Tikhon in 1925. Real prototypes characters paintings, among them priests of the Russian Church, the poor, the monks who came to bid farewell to their patriarch, on canvas, the artist transformed the tragic symbols of historical conflicts XX century Russian history.
Since its create portraits were stored in the house P. Korin in Malaya Pirogovskaya subsequently transferred by the will of the artist into the possession of the Tretyakov Gallery. The museum building, workshop, laundry former apartment building, it was unsuitable for museum exhibits, it did not have the temperature and humidity conditions. Under such unfavorable conditions, the author paint on canvases gradually lost its transparency, became whitish. In 2009, with the arrival of these paintings to the store Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean Val guardians and conservators, a thorough study of the state of conservation of paintings and begun their gradual recovery.
Corina PD Father Sergius Uspensky older. 1929 canvas. 142 x 75. TG Before and after restoration Source: |
![]() Corina PD Father Sergius Assumption senior 1929. Fragment. Oil on canvas. 142 x 75. TG Before and after restoration Source: |
![]() Corina PD Father Sergius Assumption senior 1929. Fragment. Oil on canvas. 142 x 75. TG Before and after restoration Source: |
In the first phase of restoration canvas "Father Sergius Assumption senior" and "Schema-Abbess Tamar" were subjected to the antiseptic treatment, they had to remove surface contamination. Gallery specialists with unique author's techniques aligned lacquer film and spent regeneration polish all the surfaces of paintings. Restorers also eliminated the slack and strain canvases. The restored painting "Father Sergius Assumption senior" has become primordial power and brightness of colors. The painting, "Schema-Abbess Tamar", after its restoration, opened not read earlier parts drawing. Services provided back depth and transparency works chosen colors, and intense color painting is a real boon even for scholars of P. Korin.
Viewers can see these and other works from the series P. Korin at the opening of the special project "Requiem. On the history of "leaving Russia", "November 21, 2013.
Source : Press Release THG
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