Art Investment

Arts on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture")

ARTinvestment.RU documentary films and the transfer of the fine arts, which can be viewed on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture") next week

ARTinvestment.RU documentary films and the transfer of the fine arts, which can be viewed on the TV channel" Russia By "(" Culture ") next week.

October 29, Monday

12:25 - « Cathedral of Chartres ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

20:45 - 90th anniversary Birth of Alexander Zinoviev. The TV series "Quotes from life." Writer, philosopher, artist Alexander Zinoviev describes the most striking episodes of his life.

October 30, Tuesday

12:25 - «Castle in Malbork. Marienburg. The residence of the Teutonic Order ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures »(Germany, 1995-2004).

15:10 -« My Hermitage ". author and the leader Mikhail Piotrovsky.

About "Santiago Calatrava. In search of movement ", devoted to the work of our greatest architects. The exhibition, comprising some 150 architectural models, designs and drawings, is a part of the "Hermitage 20/21", a large-scale program to expand the collection of art of XX and XXI centuries in the Hermitage and presentation of modern artists.

October 31, Wednesday

12:25 -« Avila. Holy city, the city of stones ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures »(Germany, 1995-2004).

13:20 -« Balahonsky manners ». The TV series" Dear Old Masters "(Russia, 2010). Director and screenwriter Hope Ogneva.

About Balakhna lace traditionally black and solid special way of weaving. Participates folk artist lace Galina Kotova, resident Balakhna Nizhny Novgorod.

15:10 - «architect Ivan Fomin ». The documentary series "handsome, city of Peter!" (Russia, 2011-2012)

the bend Sinks, where embankment makes smooth turn, obeying the whimsical river, appeared in the beginning of XX century, this luxurious mansion ... This house was the last capital of the palace, which was built in Tsarist Russia, then the country's life flowed quite different course. One by the name of the owner called him apart Abamelek-Lazarev, others - the home of the architect Fomin. This palace is by its very name reflects the spirit of resistance of the customer and the builder. This conflict of tastes and preferences was unusually productive ... participate in the program writer Ilya Kiselev .

November 1, Thursday

01:40 (after midnight) - «Bay of Kotor. Fjord Adriatic ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures »(Germany, 1995-2004).

November 4, Sunday

10:00 - «Celebration of Our Lady of Kazan. Creating the Church ». The documentary series" Bible story. " author and host of Dmitri Mendeleev.

History of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. The decision to build accepted Paul I, but did not manage to clear the ground for a new church, he was killed. Laid the first stone of his son Alexander I and the architect of the cathedral Andrew Voronikhin.


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