Art Investment

Arts on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture")

ARTinvestment.RU documentary films and the transfer of the fine arts, which can be viewed on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture") next week

ARTinvestment.RU documentary films and the transfer of the fine arts, which can be viewed on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture") next week.

September 24, Monday

11:15 - « drawing lessons from Andriaka ». Series of television programs (Russia, 2012). Director Igor Volosetsky. Moderator - Sergey Andriaka artist

learn to paint is never too late. To "drawing lessons" viewers will undergo initial training courses to learn how to build an image in the schedule, know the importance of painting has a tone as the image space, which require linear and aerial perspective, to get advice from well-known artists, to learn the basics of knowledge in handling with paints, brushes and paper.

«Glass»: Sergey Andriaka teaches painting glass objects pencil. Drawing glass objects requires observation - a large amount of glare, reflection of light, shadow and penumbra does the image glass objects pencil one of the most difficult lessons. The artist can deal with this problem on the example of glass and cans.

17:05 - «Bosra. Bastion in the East ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures »(Germany, 1995-2004).

September 25, Tuesday

11:15 - «Drawing Lessons from Andriaka». Series of television programs (Russia, 2012). Director Igor Volosetsky. Moderator - Sergey Andriaka artist

«Drapery»: Sergey Andriaka teaches drawing draperies pencil. Drawing Drapery - an important step in the development of the fine view of emerging artists. Artist teaches correctly choose fabric draperies, see her depiction and materiality, the saturation of the shadows and depth of convex surfaces and correctly draws tissue folds soft objects.

15:10 - «The Fifth Dimension ». authoring program director of the Pushkin Museum Irina Antonova . Directed by Maria Nikolaeva

Paolo Veronese - one of the best painters of the Venetian school, often refers to the image feasts and celebrations with plenty of brightly dressed people. In the famous painting "The Marriage at Cana," written for the refectory of the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore, Veronese painted about 130 pieces, placing major painters (Titian, Tintoretto, and even himself) among European rulers revelers and musicians ... About the history of this painting and for a copy of a fragment called "Concertino" by an unknown author - we are in the program.

17:00 - «Paris. Splendor in the mirror of the Seine ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures »(Germany, 1995-2004).

September 26, Wednesday

11:15 - «Drawing Lessons from Andriaka». Series of television programs (Russia, 2012). Director Igor Volosetsky. Moderator - Sergey Andriaka artist

«Ladle»: Sergey Andriaka teaches painting metal objects pencil. Drawing metal objects requires knowledge of many artistic features of the material. Artist teaches correctly depict shadows, reflected light and light patches on the surface of a metal ladle. Ability to draw metal objects in an image is useful pieces of plastic and wood.

12:50 - «Lunenburg. Life without cod ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures »(Germany, 1995-2004).

15:10 -« architect Thomas de Thomon ». The documentary series" handsome, city of Peter! "(Russia, 2011)

commercial port moved to Arrow from the Petersburg Side more in the last years of the reign of Peter I. And even then there flashed the flags of all states and passions boil wholesale.

When in 1800 the French architect Jean-François Thomas de Thomon first saw St. Petersburg, he was struck by the picture port noise, bustle and tightness. With unreliable plank piers disrupted barrels, bales fell into the water with baggage, threatening merchants considerable losses. Like a ghost, on a marshy, swampy shore stood the gloomy unfinished Exchange Quarenghi. And then Thomas de Thomon proposed a new draft of the Exchange.

participate in the program: Officer Naval Museum Sergei Krivonosov, architectural historians Helen Bohr, Boris Chirico and Valery Shevchenko.

21:25 - «Alexander Yakimovich. "Shakespeare. Cervantes. Velazquez. " 1st lecture ». The TV series« ACADEMIA »

Lectures Doctor of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Vice President of the Association of Arts Alexander Klavdianovicha Yakimovich devoted not just to three great artists. They became an important and difficult questions. How to appear in modern history, and what methods operate on a new type of creative people? Where to begin the road that lead to Stendhal and Joyce, Gogol and Chekhov, Picasso and Malevich? Shakespeare, Cervantes, Velasquez - this is especially convenient figure to think about the birth of a new type of artist who is not afraid to put the dangerous and uncomfortable questions, experiment and break the rules in a very difficult history and severe crisis. The question is, how does an artist and playwright, artist and writer and painter ...

September 27, Thursday

11:15 - «Drawing Lessons from Andriaka». Series of television programs (Russia, 2012). Director Igor Volosetsky. Moderator - artist Sergei Andriyaka.

«Peony in pencil»: Sergey Andriaka teaches viewers a special art of drawing flowers. Flowers usually write in color, that is, either oil or watercolor or gouache. But to understand the laws of color images, the artist has to first learn to draw flowers pencil.

21:10 - «Edinburgh - capital of Scotland». of the documentary film " the world's cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

21:25 -« Alexander Yakimovich. "Shakespeare. Cervantes. Velazquez. " 2nd Lecture ». The TV series« ACADEMIA »

Lecture Doctor of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Vice President of the Association of Arts Alexander Klavdianovicha Yakimovich.

02:40 (after midnight) - «Caverns Jung. A place where Buddhism became the religion of China ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

September 28, Friday

02:40 (after midnight) - «Trogir. Old town. Ordered mazes ». of the documentary film" The world's cultural treasures »(Germany, 1995-2004).

September 29, Saturday

13:10 - « gold embroidery ». program series "The Gingerbread House" (Russia, 2011)

This film includes the testimony and masters-zlatoshveek who selected a special, spiritual way, and the trip to the center zlatoshveynogo case - the city of Torzhok, and master classes at the St. Petersburg Institute of Religious Studies and the Orthodox Church Arts and Sretensky Monastery.

15:10 - «Drawing Lessons from Andriaka». Series of television programs (Russia, 2012). Director Igor Volosetsky. Moderator - Sergey Andriaka artist

«Garlic»: Sergey Andriaka teaches pencil objects with complex shapes. Drawing garlic requires special attention - because of the unusual shape pattern obtained with many shadows and black and white conversions. In this tutorial, viewers will be able to perfect the art of drawing and shading image thumbnails, and the disciples to the artist repeat the work for the artist in the Great Hall of the School of Watercolor Andriaka.

30 September, Sunday

15:50 - « revived masterpiece. From the history of the Constantine Palace ». Documentary (Russia, 2011). Directed and written by Olga Drozdova

recreate history Konstantin Palace outside St. Petersburg. The film gives a glimpse of the "behind the scenes" of the State Complex "Palace of Congresses", discover unknown details of meetings at the highest level and get into the history of the Palace, which was involved in the design of Peter I. Based on the original archive documents, prints, photographs from the collections of museums and private collections reveals the basic stages of construction of the Palace, after the revolution turned into a colony, then in an asylum, and then come to a complete desolation. Includes exclusive archival material, covering all phases of recovery of the Constantine Palace since 2000.


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