Art Investment

Arts on TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture")

ARTinvestment.RU documentary films and the transfer of art, which can be viewed on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture") next week

ARTinvestment.RU documentary films and the transfer of art, which can be viewed on the TV channel "Russia By" ("Culture") next week.

August 6, Monday

13:00 - «old town of Graz. Here reigns a peace ». film from the documentary series" The world cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

13:15 -« "the frozen" Jean-Antoine Houdon. " documentary series "The History of Art" (France, 2006-2007).

wonderful statue of a girl in a shawl, shivering from the cold. At her feet cracked from the cold bowl. This sculpture will transform artistic canons of the era.

17:10 - «Vicenza. City of Palladio ». film from the documentary series" The world's cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

02:30 (after midnight) -" Photo Gilles Caron, "A police officer pursues a student on the street Vieux Colombier in Paris May 6, 1968" ». documentary series "The History of Art" (France, 2006-2007).

This shot was a real example of photography in the world. Author photograph Gilles Caron was missing in Cambodia, at the age of thirty years, but had become a legend. No other photographer has done so many outstanding shots.

August 8, Wednesday

17:10 - «Azores. Angra Eroishmu ». film from the documentary series" The world's cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

20:15 -« Teruel. Moorish architecture ». film from the documentary series" The world cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

01:30 (after midnight) -" The Past while an imperfect form. Grisha Bruskin ». documentary film of the series" Russian America "(Russia, 2011). Directed by Nina Zaretskaya

film is dedicated to one of the most exciting, popular and successful artists of nonconformists Grisha (so he calls himself) Bruskin. For more than 20 years he has lived and worked in the U.S. but also in Russia, Italy, Israel and France. Almost all of his creative life in the work of developing the theme of socialist and communist myth. Over the past decade has written several books of memoirs, consisting of fragments, fragments of memories, family stories.

In the film, the artist says about himself, his family, difficult relationship with his father, shows his work, reading excerpts of memoirs on the translation seminar at Oberlin College, where, together with the students translate their stories into English, discussing the nyuansy.Hudozhnik linguistic analyzes his work, talks about his origins.

August 9, Thursday

11:55 -« Phidias ». film from the documentary series" Encyclopedia "(Ukraine, 2004-2009). Directed by Constantine Gusakov, Ruslan Smirnov, Mishin Barbara

series - a collection of short films about historical events and famous people of the world: artists and writers, composers and scientists, explorers and philosophers, architects, and rulers, educators and reformers. In six minutes of air time the creators of the show tried to fit the story of those without whom today impossible to imagine a civilization.

20:15 - «Wartburg. Romantic medieval Germany ». film from the documentary series" The world cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

22:35 -« Edouard Manet. " film from the documentary series "Encyclopedia" (Ukraine, 2004-2009)

01:30 (after midnight) - "Emergency exit. Ilya and Emilia Kabakov ». documentary film of the series" Russian America "(Russia, 2011). Directed by Nina Zaretskaya

film tells the audience about one of the most influential Russian artists in the West. Retrospective Ilya Kabakov and his wife and co-author Emily was one of the biggest events in the Russian artistic life during the last decade . Ilya and Emilia Kabakov talk about contemporary art and her life.

August 10, Friday

17:30 - «Easter Island. Mysterious Giants ». film from the documentary series" The world cultural treasures "(Germany, 1995-2004).

August 11, Saturday

12:50 - « Rossi». documentary film in the series "Beauty, City of Peter!" ( Russia, 2011)

release program dedicated to the famous architect Carlo Rossi and his theater ensemble. We will tell the fate of the architect's life and concerns of precisely the time when it was built a grand ensemble. The name of Carlo Rossi or, as he was known in Russia, Carlo Rossi, has long resided in oblivion, so the evidence of his private life remained a bit. However, some documents allow us to restore the character traits and personality of the architect, his relationship with the emperor, with fellow architects, with the masters and workers, on which he relied, building his magnificent ensembles.

Rossi brought to St. Petersburg a new sense of space, which to him was not. Russian architecture in Rossi's figure is hardly equal to the present time. participate in the program: architectural historian Semyon Mikhailovsky theater historian and theater critic Anatoly Chepurov.

14:55 - «crimson bells." The program series "Gingerbread House" (Russia, 2012)

film about the bells, which in all ages have played a crucial role in the lives of our people. Top Russian bell-ringers will show you how to recognize the language of bells, and the master, cast the bell, open the "holy of holies" - his studio, where the bell is born and takes its own unique voice. Viewers will learn interesting details about the impact of the bells on the human body. involved in the film: the head of the Moscow School of Ilya Drozdihin bell ringers, the foreman of casting bells in the city of Yaroslavl region Tutaev Oleg Yakovenko, and a children's ensemble of bells and ocarina.

20:45 - "El Greco». film from the documentary series "Encyclopedia" (Ukraine, 2004-2009)

August 12 Sunday,

15:35 - «Gorodetsky Pictures» The program series "Gingerbread House" (Russia, 2012)

Film Gorodets painting - a unique fishery, who was born in Nizhny Novgorod region in the XIX century, that is inlaid with wood and why this craft has become the forerunner of Gorodets painting, and how today Gorodets masters are trying to revive Technology forgotten jewelry products. involved in the film factory workers Gorodets painting: Natalia Privalov, Galina Marichev, Hope Shmelev, musician Alexander Serebrov, carver Valery Zelenin.


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