Art Investment

Found "Portrait of young man," Raphael, confiscated by the Nazis during the war?

According to Polish media reports referring to the Polish Foreign Ministry, the famous portrait by Raphael of the Princes Czartoryski collection found safe and sound banking in the cell, however, is unknown in which country
Portrait of a young man

on Wednesday, August 1, Polish media reported that deemed to be lost," Portrait of a young man's "hand of Raphael from the collection of Princes Czartoryski was found safe and sound banking in a certain cell. This is the press reported Plenipotentiary Committee restitution under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Prof. Wojciech Kowalski (Wojciech Kowalski). He is confident that the picture will return to their homeland. "The important thing is that the work was not lost during the war. She was not burned or destroyed. It exists. She expects in a safe place in the region of the world where the laws favorable to us, "- said Kowalski. However, the exact location of the "Portrait of young man" is not even known representatives of the Ministry.

«Portrait of a young man," was painted by Raphael about 1513-1514, and according to some critics, is a self-portrait. The Polish Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski (Adam Jerzy Czartoryski) bought a picture by Raphael in 1798, along with the "Portrait of a Lady with an Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci. Before the capture of Warsaw by the Nazis three of the most valuable paintings from the collection of Czartoryski were packed in a box with a letter designation «VRR» (Vinci, Rembrandt, Raphael) and transferred to the city Senyavu. However, there is this precious cargo found the governor-general of occupied Poland, Hans Frank (Hans Frank) and sent the work in the Reich. The canvas by Raphael for some time been in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum in Berlin (Bode Museum), but eventually had to join the Hitler Museum in Linz. However, for some reason, "Portrait of a young man," once again fell into the hands of Hans Frank, and he carried it along with other paintings in his residence in the Polish Wawel Castle. When the Germans retreated from Poland under the onslaught of Soviet troops, Hans Frank, along with pictures, first fled to Silesia, then in Bavaria. There he was arrested, some paintings have been found, but more than eight hundred pieces missing, including "Portrait of a young man," by Raphael.

painting by Raphael is considered one of the most valuable works, lost during the war. Czartoryski are searching for a long time pearl of his collection, so if received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the information is confirmed and the picture will return to Poland, it will be a sensation.

Prepared by Mary Onuchina, AI


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